If you know her, you will know that this is a typical face she makes. She loves making the thumbs up sign when she likes something, too. I think it is adorable.
For the past two days she has been saying the darndest things. I wanted to record them here in my special space so I'll never forget them.
She is experiencing a growth spurt lately...specifically in the intellect which is exhibited by her curiousity and all the amazing thoughts she has been having.
"I'm really excited about being a grown-up...except I don't like the part about dying.
I don't want to be ninety. But I wanna be a grown-up. Twenty is the age I wanna be. It's half way between a kid and a grown-up."
"You make a good mom. You just do."
"I've gotta go into business. I could sell snowcones or lemonade. I think we'll do lemon snow cones. That's in the middle."
Wasn't I smart today? How I investigated my butt. Since I was five, I was always curious about what the inside of my body looked like. "
"Look how big my heart is. See how big it is? That's because I'm so kind."
I love you, my little girl.
What a blessing to be by your side...