Monday, June 14, 2010

Eternally Grateful

This is a cropped version of a recent photo I took of my girl at a birthday party for a friend.
There have been so many things I want to document here in this space, but my camera appears to have finally kicked the bucket and I haven't had time to shop for a new one.
I miss writing and sharing here.
This is our little space...our cyber dreamcatcher--a place to capture memory bits.
-Hiking through tall trees & around waterfalls with my girl and friends
-Relay For Life: One of the most special nights we have ever had...
-Popcorn & "movie theater nights" at our place
-The last June days of school...A summer stretched out before us...
-Cabins reserved, vacations to come...Excitement, anticipation!
-Costume design jobs for theater and film! (Still speechless)
-The short-stories my girl continues to write & illustrate: Tonight's title:
"Toot, Toot, Boom, Boom!" (A Fishing Tale...)
-The constant buzz of creativity always present in our home
-Tinkering with new projects: crochet jewelry, hardware lockets, paint & collage
-The blessings of our family & friends and all the love surrounding us...
-My daughter, my first and strongest prayer partner...How I cherish our prayer time together.
Heavenly Father,
We are so grateful for the beautiful life you have blessed us with.
You have been so good to me & my girl.
Thank you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Project: Room for My Big Girl

Turns out SIX is a bit of a milestone-I've noticed my girl is growing taller, has a loose tooth, and is already reading on her own. She has definitely left the baby stage...which was also noticeable when we began to go through her toys this past weekend. There was so much she was actually willing to put into the donation bag this time. I've noticed her play is changing, too...Less dramatic play and A LOT more art & writing. Of course, it is a little bittersweet for this Mama.
But I am welcoming each stage of her precious life with open arms and heart!
So, in honor of her upcoming Kindergarten graduation (June) and sixth birthday (August), we are redecorating her room this summer. Time for some upgrades...and we are having a blast picking it out together. Well, it is mostly me. I'm lucky she loves my taste!
Here is her big-girl bed. I am going to place the order in the next week or two.
I love antique iron bed frames.

Here is a new rug for her room. I have ordered this already. We both sorta fell in love with it at first sight. I guess we are going for the Shabby Chic look,
which I think suits my girl so well!

Next, we are going to comb the thrift stores out East and upstate while we are on vacation this search of the perfect book case and vintage dresser. The book case is a must because the one she has now no longer contains all the books we've acquired.

There will be few shelves added to the wall so that she may display her favorite things...and some new wall art. She is getting this vintage Barbie portrait for her graduation.
I can't wait to surprise her with it because she went wild for it a while ago.
And let me not forget the Japanese Fighting fish she will be getting for graduation as well.

Mommie's little girl is growing up so beautifully...