Thursday, February 24, 2011

Healing. Inspiring. Doing.

I made that crochet eyeball for my daughter's father and we gave it to him for Valentine's Day. It's all part of the healing, I suppose.
Besides, I had fun making it.
He gave us each a piece of his artwork.
Giving a handmade gift that will make the recipient smile is nice.
No matter what the situation.
(Even if he did rip up the last handmade gift I gave him--a painting.)

Lately, I've been obsessed with crocheting. Funny to me, because I took so many months away from it to focus on sewing. Now, I'm into crochet. Sewing can wait.
Yes, I am a fickle pickle. Oh, well. I'm enjoying myself.
Best of it is I've secured a table at a spring craft event on Staten Island.
This puts the pressure on a bit...and I have no idea what I'm doing, really.
But I want/need to put myself out there.
I craft for others after all, not myself...So, it will be kinda perfect-
whether I sell anything or not. Something new.
And while I'm on the topic of crochet...
I was super-excited to see granny squares hit the runway for Fall 2011.
Crochet scarves were trendy this past fall/winter-
glad to see it taken to another level.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2011 So far, so good.

Haven't updated in a while, but I finally figured out how to download my photos again!
So far, this year has been good to us.
I've rediscovered my love for crochet and have been making time
to create some new goodies for my loved ones.
Here's a hat I made for my girl while watching a movie one night last week.
I'm happy to say, she loves it!

We've been having some nice winter visits with Cub's daddy, too.
This inspiring place has become a favorite of ours.
There is so much peace and beauty there and usually we have most
of the place to ourselves.

I love taking photos when I'm there. The light is perfect and there are so many
beautiful and interesting things to capture.
You travel back in time while you are there.

Other things I've been enjoying A LOT this year...

Indian Cooking
Vegan Baking
Crocheting handbags and body parts...yup, body parts.
Watercolor Painting
What seems to be a revival in QUALITY American mainstream filmmaking.
Getting back into working my "program." Yay, healing!
Quiting smoking...for the umpteenth time. It's gonna stick this time around. I know it is!
Yoga three times a week! Whoo-hoo!
Continuing to feed my guilty pleasure...building my perfume collection-now adding vintage bottles and miniatures. Oh, boy.
Planning an exotic summer getaway with my daughter! More to come on that one...

What have you been up to?