Sunday, August 2, 2009


The steady downpour of rain earlier today left me in that "I hate my hair!" mood.
I suppose it's not that unusual considering I've been letting my gray grow out these past months. Actually, that hasn't been bothering me as much as I thought it would.
What's more troubling is I've been losing A LOT of hair. My thick ponytails have been feeling thinner and thinner. I hate to be vain about it, but I have always had thick hair. Could it really be my age that's causing all this thinning? This hasn't really happened to any of the friends I have in my age group. Hmmm...
Anyway, a short bob seemed like the right thing to do today...
for the both of us!


Kristin said...

I have many of these "I hate my hair" moods!! That picture is precious!

Jenn said...

Well, I love this picture!