Before I start this post I just want to say I am so surprised/impressed that The Rocky Horror Picture Show is being aired on channel 9 right now as I type. Wow! The times they really are a changin'!
I remember when it first came out on cable and my brother and I tried to stay up later
than my grandparents so we could sneak it, but we ended up falling asleep.
Years and years later, it became the reason to head to NYC late
night to catch the midnight movie. I still remember every song by heart!
I'm just so happy (but still a bit shocked) to see it on plain old tv tonight on this
night before Halloween. Tim Curry, I still love you. You fox!
Anyway, the reason for this post...My buddy Kristin nominated me for an "I Love Your Blog Award. " She is such a sweetheart. Thanks again, Kristin. It is nice to know that people enjoy my wee little corner of the world. So, the deal was that I would offer seven random facts about my self.
Here goes:
1. I was raised by my maternal grandparents from the age of seven.
2. At my high school graduation, I was shocked to be the honorary recipient of an award given to the student with the highest score (in my class) on a state Chemistry exam!
3. I am still intoxicated by the smell of Play-Doh.
4. I've kept a diary for twenty years.
5. I've driven cross-country twice. The second time I had a supernatural religious experience.
6. I still wonder what my first love is doing.
7. I met someone in the gym I used to go to when I lived in the city, and we used to work out together when we were both there. One day she passed me her phone number and said in a quiet voice, "Don't share this with anyone."
I then realized she was the mother of a famous celebrity and I didn't know until then!
That's all folks. I also wanted to share that I collect vintage board games and handbags and owls and have begun a small collection of those Keane-like paintings of the kids with the big eyes! Hee, hee.
I'm now going to go rock out by myself to the rest of Rocky Horror. ("Don't dream it. Be it...")
I hope everyone has
a happy and safe Halloween.