Friday, April 10, 2009

Back to Crafting

In the middle of all of the holiday preparations, baking, and packing...I decided I would make Cub an Easter basket filled with handmade goodies. I guess it has become a bit of a tradition around here. I want my daughter to grow-up appreciating handmade gifts; the feel of something made with mama's own hands as an expression of my love for her.
There have been so many cute projects out there lately; like these
sock bunnies, for example! Yes, it's difficult NOT to be inspired. So...first in the basket will be a mama bunny and her baby; complete with pipe-cleaner carrots and a felt blanket. (The mama, blanket, and big carrot still to come!) Yes, I'll be crafting at my Grandma's until the last minute!

I used one of the many singleton socks at the bottom of Cub's sock drawer to make Baby Bunny.
I sloppily embellished the ears with fabric scraps and I was tempted to do a lot more with this, but it was 1am and I was supposed to be packing...and sleeping!
Here's a rear view...loose threads and all.

I'm also including three of these finger puppets that I whipped up while she slept late this morning. They were super easy to make while having coffee, too.
And because I have been wanting to make her a set of mini-furniture for one of the many dollhouses around here, I'm crafting a mini-bed, dresser, and bookcase out of some old jewelry gift boxes I've been hanging on to. The bookcase is being made from a raisin box. Oh, I almost forgot the jellybean bracelets. I think this will be the only candy gift in the basket.

Here's to a peaceful day, Everyone.


Heather - said...

That sock bunny is adorable!! Love it!

Unknown said...

Great ideas! I agree handmade gifts from you will make a very special Easter basket. I wish I was so creative.

Kristin said...

Those finger puppets are adorable!! And those bunnies.. They just amaze me!! What a clever idea!

And I want to wish you and your family a Happy Easter.. may it be filled with love and laughs..


Second Star to the Right... said...

OHHH...that bunny!!! How cute is that..she will love it!!