Thursday, May 30, 2013

"In a Land Far, Far, Away..."

My Love & My Light at Sivananda 

Once Upon A Time...
I met a person that I must have known in a different life
because I recognized him from....somewhere.

We shared a connection.
We filled those gaping holes our parents tore through us.
We patched each other up and we made it better...
for a short while.

And that first night we talked about having a child
because that was one of the important reasons
we were brought together.

And so she was created.
The most wonderful collaboration of us and 
our Almighty Creator of the Universe
Maker of all things
the Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars

And so she is here
and she grows.
And she  has the purest heart I have ever known.
I am so honored that Almighty 
entrusted me with her life.

Every day I am given the blessing of watching this Willow grow.
Every day I love and she loves
and we grow