Friday, August 15, 2008

My Kind of Balance

I bought these flowers for her birthday. We both love fresh flowers so much. Who doesn't? In our home, they have been a luxury afforded only for special occasions. I'm going to work on changing that...That coffee pot is vintage Rosenthal. I found it in the thrift store along the park for $3.00. It is used as a vase that compliments any floral arrangement.

And here's the other side of the see-saw. A piece of my messy craft table. Those blurry wooden heart pins will soon be on etsy, if I can get it together enough. The horsey is for my "back-to-school" notebooks I intend to make (soon). There are some ATC's (?) I've been fooling with thanks to inspiration from Jenn. There is also a little summer album made out of a Starbucks coffee sleeve. It's been fun to play, for no other reason than that.
Now if only I could finish all the crafting, the two 500+ page books I'm reading, and that honey oat bread I've been wanting to bake, I'll be satisfied. Have a great weekend, everyone!


Jenn said...

awesome awesome awesome!

Jojo said...

There never seems to be enough time to just do the things we want to do. Since your post about post cards I have been giving much thought to what I want to create and I am very excited. Now I need to go to the art store for paper....but at least I have an idea. Very excited!