Two years ago, when things were kinda falling apart between Cub's Dad and I, I began a small series using vintage cards I found in my grandmother's basement.
These cards were all sent to me when I was a baby or small child. My grandmother saved them from my mother's collection and had kept every one, from my birth announcement on. I decided instead of saving all of them, I would turn some into art work, using both image and text.
I was playing around with making necklace-hanging plaques for a while. I would paint 'em and then use a vintage waterslide decal for decoration. I made this for a friend's daughter but then thought the purple was too dark behind the dear. I've found it very useful! Today, we went to Michael's and I purchased some materials to make some more of these. Hopefully, they will make it into my etsy shop for the holiday shop update I'm planning. (I can dream, can't I?)
Here is another one from my baby cards. I love the commercial artwork from the 60's. Awesome.
And tying it all together...My favorite dessert as a child was chocolate pudding. My daughter inherited the gene for chocolate pudding love times ten! So, I thought it was time to spoil her with a taste of the real stuff. I wonder if she realizes that I am just as excited about dessert tonight as she is?
1 comment:
That is so clever of you and they turned out so beautiful. In my daughter's room, I framed some artwork, which I think was actually taken out of a book...Anyway, it was from when my Mom was a child in the 50's. It is a little girl kneeling at the foot of her bed. I just love it and I will always have it hanging on my walls...
I am guessing this pudding, is the homemade pudding, that develops that little bit of crust at the top? Atleast that is how mine always turns a child, I would always leave that crust in the cup, but now I eat it all! yum. Enjoy it!
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