Monday, December 8, 2008

On The Seventh Day...

Still trying to perfect the chocolate dipped graham cracker idea. I really want this to work. Basically, who doesn't love graham crackers and/or choclate? Besides, they look festive and will be quick and easy to whip-up. Tonight, I used Nestle's Bittersweet Choclolate chips and I wasn't thrilled with the texture. Quite thick and gloppy. The choclate slid off the cracker, too. Weird.
I'm going to try a different brand next time I make these. In the meantime, we'll enjoy the samples.

All the extra holiday shopping and crafting is starting to get to me. I'm tired. Really tired.
I think I need to post this very mundane list of things I need to do, so that I'll feel guilted into actually doing them:
Things I Don't Want To Do But NEED To Do LIST:
1. Pick-up all the clothes off of my bedroom floor and straighten-up in there!
2. Deep clean our apartment. Scub-a-dub-dubbing is in order!
3. Stop looking at all of the presents and begin some wrapping already!
4. Errands: Library, post-office, pick-up dry cleaning and laundry.
5. Take that adorable photo of Cub in front of the tree and make those holiday cards!
6. Pay some bills.
Yes, I've emerged from Winter Wonderland mode to face some reality for a little bit.
Now I'm off to find a good movie to cozy up to.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I honestly don't think I have ever had a chocolate dipped graham cracker. seriously. I eat them one way and one way only. I dip them in my hot tea and I could eat a whole package at a time, let me tell you....BUT...I think these would make a great treat for me to make with the girls...I will put it on my list!! and good luck with your list!! Now get to that scrub-a- dub-dubbing..I feel like that is all I have been this house and unpacking. and I am so tired too...